
The world luxury handbags series 1

Founded in 1941 the Coach is America's oldest and successful leather products one of companies. The incorporativeChanel bags durable quality, superb production process, the generation of American female consumers build strong reputation. Coach created a kind of brand-new brand image new appearance, appear energetic, vigorous and rich and modern contemporary feeling.

Call was born in the 1950s, that is lack of clothing brand to aristocratic Paris is advanced female traditional challenge, call brand created concise appearance, can wear strong modern garment concept. Call brand is Paris rCoach bagseady-to-wear bound the chameleon, it is quite often hire countries famous brand style framework, but not because of stylist the changes of change remained a French style color features and graceful sentiment. The advertised designer's a input, plus call production operating system guarantee to keep call brand style with the trend of The Times synchronization.

In the 1960s call image follows was "youth storm" fashion, designer jean (Jeanne Do) launched outline model basCheap Coach bage line drooping dress, hem decorated with have metallic luster geometric pieces piece, this seemingly modern armor of black dress skirt was quite trendy.

